S T R O N G • A T • H O M E

S T R O N G • A T • H O M E

You ask - How do I make home workouts more effective? I know, I know - They don’t feel hard enough and you’re “not lifting weight so my muscles are going to shrivel up and diiieeee!” Well, this would be true if you sat on your 🍑 all day, every day and watched Netflix nonstop... BUT if you want to maintain your strength and muscle mass, there are tried and true ways of keeping your strength and muscle mass even without heavy weight. Stimulating the muscular and nervous systems will help to retain these qualities… IF you use proven techniques to make the exercises we are doing more effective.

W I N T E R • P R E P

W I N T E R • P R E P

When the leaves start to change and the snow line starts to slowly creep down the mountain, I’m ready to kick it into high gear. As a personal trainer in a mountain town, this is “go time” for me and for all of my clients. Whether they’re daily ski enthusiasts or weekend snowboard warriors, they all know the value of taking care of their minds and bodies before they start tackling big days on the mountain. 

R A I N B O W • L A K E

R A I N B O W • L A K E

So I hear you want to climb a mountain?

How F I T do you feel to tackle that hike you’ve been dreaming about? Maybe it’s something daunting like Wedgemount or something more mellow like Elfin Lakes. Whatever your adventure of choice may be, myself and Lynn from What Lynn Loves Blog have got you covered - we’re bringing you our 5 favourite hikes this summer season! You can check out her rendition here www.whatlynnloves.com/whistler/

C R A T E R • R I M

C R A T E R • R I M

How F I T do you feel to tackle that hike you’ve been dreaming about? Maybe it’s something daunting like Wedgemount or something more mellow like Elfin Lakes. Whatever your adventure of choice may be, myself and Lynn from What Lynn Loves Blog have got you covered - we’re bringing you our 5 favourite hikes this summer season! You can check out her rendition here www.whatlynnloves.com/whistler/crater-rim-trail-hike

C H E A K A M U S • L A K E

C H E A K A M U S • L A K E

Hiking season has quickly come upon us this year. With temps already reaching high 20s to 30s in the valley, we’re ready to tackle the outdoors and make the most of the short summer we have here in the coastal mountains. But how F I T do you feel to tackle that hike you’ve been dreaming about? Maybe it’s something daunting like Wedgemount or something more mellow like Elfin Lakes. Whatever your adventure of choice may be, myself and Lynn from What Lynn Loves Blog have got you covered - we’re bringing you our 5 favourite hikes this summer season! You can check out her rendition here www.whatlynnloves.com/whistler/cheakamus-lake-hike

R U N • S T R O N G

R U N • S T R O N G

As the temperatures rise and the days lengthen, the excitement of running season slowly creeps in. But let's face it - strength training gets a bad rap in the running world. Often runners avoid weighted exercises out of fear of becoming too “bulky” or out of misunderstanding about how a gym program can help them. The truth is that a properly applied strength training regime will improve your speed, efficiency and prevent injuries.