You’ve made it – you’ve reached the summit.
The cool, mountain breeze hits your face and you feel elated and achieved. Your reward for a hike-well-done is a breathtaking view and a delicious snack (or cheeky beer if you’re keen to carry the extra weight).
And then it hits you - that sharp and aggravating knee pain. Immediately, your peace and serenity break and you start dreading the hike down, not to mention how you’ll feel tomorrow when you hobble out of bed in the morning.
So many people are familiar with this unfortunate sensation and yet we feel powerless to get rid of it. Everyone accepts it as the norm for hiking (and skiing… and running…) but it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s not enough to roll and stretch after the fact; you must be pro-active to strengthen and stabilize your body in order to prevent it. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and he couldn’t have been more accurate.
Sure, relieving tension around the hips and knees will feel better temporarily but it won’t stop the cause of the pain in the first place. To decrease or ideally avoid the pain all together, you must address the mechanical problems causing it. Here’s where proper strength training comes into play. The knee is often a pain centre through no fault of its own – it’s at the mercy of the hips above it and the ankle below it. In order to protect the knee, these often overlooked joints need to move optimally. How do we ensure that? By strengthening the following muscles:
Glutes, especially glute medius
Core, especially transverse abdominis and obliques
These muscles work together to stabilize the pelvis which subsequently stabilizes the knee further down the chain. The foot plays a huge role here too but for now, we will focus our attention on the functionality of the hip. So how can we strengthen these easily and effectively in order to keep your knees happy after a big day up (and down!) the slope?
Complete these exercises 3-4 days per week for 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps using a moderate weight.
1. Single leg deadlifts – Strengthening hamstrings and glutes simultaneously, this exercise delivers maximum benefit with minimal effort to stabilize the hips and subsequently, those knees!
Single leg deadlift
Stabilize yourself on one foot then hinge through the hip to lower your chest and lift the back leg
Keep hips levels as you hinge forward so that you feel the exercise in the glute of the standing leg
Return to the start my squeezing the glute and pressing the hip through
2. Step-ups – Focusing on the driving up action but also on the lowering portion will provide valuable cues to help you safely manoeuvre the mountain.
Forward step-ups
Start with your front foot on a 12-18” box (depending on strength and height)
Hinge forward to load weight over front foot then press strongly into the box to step yourself up
Do not kick off of the back leg
Slowly control the lower back down to the start position - avoid the urge to drop without control
3. Lateral band walks – We think of hiking as a forward motion but there’s a lot of lateral strength and control that needs to be developed to create bulletproof joints.
Lateral band walks aka. Monster walks
Place a medium or heavy fitness loop just above the knees or below the knees
Hinge through the hips to push butt back with chest slightly forward
Step sideways with the 'forward' leg while stabilizing with the 'back' leg.
Think about opening your knees wide to lead the movement instead of leading with your feet
4. Deadbugs with a Swiss ball – Deep core stabilization and strength will not only support the hips and subsequently the knees, but may also prevent any lower back pain.
Deadbug with Swiss ball
Lay on your back with a ball between your arms and knees
Brace your core before extending the arm and opposite leg towards the floor
Core should stay tight and not allow the back to move
Continue by alternating sides for desired number of reps
5. Single leg step-downs – An uncommon but effective exercise, this one lets you gauge your progress from the above exercises. Paying close attention to how your hip, knee and ankle align will give you clues to how well your programming is paying off.
Single leg step-down
Start with one foot near the edge of a 6-12” box
Slowly lower by bending the knee and hip simultaneously with control until the opposite heel taps the ground
Knees should stay aligned on top of foot (not collapse inwards)
Hips should stay level throughout (not drop to one side)
The slower you go, the better this is for stabilizing and strengthening so take your time
In addition to strengthening these muscles, the way we think about moving up and down the mountain can have profound impact on our experience of pain. Here are a few simple cues can help you to better engage the big muscles around our hips and knees to absorb the stress taking pressure off your joints:
1. Hinge forward on the hike up and use your glutes and quads
2. Sit back into your hips on the way down
3. Softly absorb the steps on the way down instead of jarring into the knees
4. Always move mindfully especially when you are exhausted on the way back down (even though it’s the last thing you want to do!)
With all these new skills and strength in mind, I’m sure you’re keen to hit the trails. Here are some fun and proggresively challenging local Whistler favourites:
Train Wreck Hike
Difficulty: Easy
Distance: 2 km round trip
Time: 1 hour
Trail info:
Cheakamus Lake
Difficulty: Easy to intermediate
Distance: 16 km round trip
Time: 4-5 hours
Trail info:
Photos + workout prep:
Crater Rim
Difficulty: Intermediate
Distance 4.5 km round trip
Time: 2-2.5 hours
Trail info:
Photos + workout prep:
Rainbow Lake
Difficulty: Intermediate
Distance 4.5 km round trip
Time: 2-2.5 hours
Trail info:
Photos + workout prep:
Looking for a comprehensive program to support your hiking endeavors this summer?
Sign up for the REACH YOUR PEAK 12-week program that gets delivered straight to your phone through our app. You’ll be guided through 2-3 workouts per week with detailed videos to explain precisely how to execute the exercises in the program. Click HERE to reigster for only $175 for the entire 12-week program.